New beginnings and celebrations
Well, I think we can say that summer is at it's end. For me living in the Karoo, it is a great thing, as our summer was extremely hot and very dry. So we are hopeful that we will have rain this winter.
I have told you that I am busy with some very exciting things. I am letting the cat our the bag here, and you as subscribers, get to hear about it first.
I have tested the leak proof panties and absolutely fell in love with them. They are so comfortable you don't even know that you are wearing undies. The really great thing, is that it goes so well with the pads as it just gives a great fit and those who have been asking about what underwear goes best with Hannahapads, will be getting a really nice product. I am even wearing mine at other times of the month and not just when Aunt Flo is visiting :-). They come in sets of 2, a black and pink one. At this stage they are in 2 sizes: Small and Medium. On the website, I have given hip measurements. There will be a X Small in the future, which are a lovely size for young girls; as well as a Large.To give you a heads up, there is only 5 in stock of each size. I will in the future stock
And then you will see on the website that there are new patterns in each size. I hope you like them as much as I do. These you will be able to select when buying individual pads. In the sets the patterns are random.
I have also added a Laundry Hanger to the laundry section. This will enable you to dry you pads indoors, especially with winter on the doorstep. It folds in half, so takes up very little space. This is especially nice when travelling. If you travel like I do, I go with my Hannahpads everywhere. We recently traveled to Gauteng. My period started while being there. And not having had my laundry hanger by then, I hung my pads over the burglar bars to dry, while staying at friends. I went to turn them over later in the day, only to find one missing. I looked outside to see if I could see it lying outside. There was nothing. I send my kids on a treasure hunt throughout the garden, but with no success. My friend returned from work, and I tried to very subtly ask her about her dogs' habits. I asked her: "Do your dogs by any means eat cloth?" She gave a little laugh and said yes, they were eating socks as puppies. I said, "Well then you will find a very personal item of mine not too far in the future on your lawn, and just pretend you have no clue what that could have been. :-)
Now the best part of my news, is something I am very passionate about. I want young girls to be welcomed into womanhood with celebration. I want them to be educated. I want them to have no bad stigmas about menstruation and being a woman, but to feel beautiful and special. And for that reason, I have been working hard at a new kit. I call it the Moonkit. This is something you can definitely buy for yourself and spoil yourself a bit. But this is your chance, Mommies, to bless your girls. Give them a gift upon entering womanhood. In this kit, I have included a book called Reaching for the moon by Lucy H Pearce. She speaks so beautifully to young girls explaining the physical changes in their bodies from before menstruation commences and afterwards. She addresses emotional issues. She addresses topics like when you start before your friends, but also if you should start much later. This is a book that you can read WITH your daughter. Journey with her. Make it special and beautiful. You might not agree with everything in the book, or you might, so make it your own and take out of it what is good and uplifting. In the Moonkit is a SoyLite candle, a bar of organic chocolate, a wetbag with 2 pantyliners, 2 small pads and 3 medium pads and 7 ziploc bags. There is a bar of Laundry soap in the kit. And then I am launching my own Moontime Massage oil, which I am including in this kit too. This is to ease PMT and menstrual symptoms, from emotional issues to cramps to bloating. And then she will get 1 SMALL leakproof panty in the kit too. This all comes in a beautiful tin. I will be posting pictures soon on the Facebook page and Instagram as well as on the website. Be sure to grab hold of this on the Intro Special. There are only 20 available at this stage.
So I feel like doing a young girl dance about this. I hope you share in my excitement. And my wish is that together we can change our culture back to one, where women can celebrate being who we are and not being ashamed of who we are.
And that is my news for now.
Have a lovely month.
Hannahpad SA
1 comment
I purchased “Reaching for the Moon” book for my granddaughter, and I was so impressed by it. It is beautifully written and so informative to young girls( and myself..I even learnt two things I didn’t know!), so that they so much more aware of all the changes in their bodies.